Eyelash Daily Care

Avoid water for the first 4-6 hours. Avoid steam, heat for the first 24 hours

Cleanse lashes DAILY with a gentle, water-based cleanser. If you wear a lot of makeup, wash once to first remove make up and then a second time to cleanse the face. Buildup on the lash line may lead to blehpharitis, (inflammation of the eyelash follicle) an eye infection, or worse demodex (eye mites)

Be careful when applying oily face/eye creams. If it comes in contact with the extensions it will break down the bond and come off

Be gentle! No rubbing, pulling, or plucking extensions

Be careful around heat such as ovens and lighters, it will singe and disfigure the extensions

NO mascara, liquid liners, gel liners, or organic solvents such as oils, glycols or carbomers. Those ingredients will break down the cyanoacrylate adhesive and cause the extensions to pop off. They will also result in a sticky buildup residue on the base of the extensions that may lead to an eye infection. If not wearing eyeliner is unavoidable use a dark powder with an angle brush or use a felt tip eyeliner.

Sleep on your back – whichever side you sleep on you will lose more extensions

Brush your lashes every morning. After getting them wet, brush them and let them air dry

DO NOT tint, perm or curl extensions

Oily skin types experience shedding at a faster rate. We recommend wiping your lids throughout the day to prevent oil build up on the extensions. Hormonal imbalances, extreme stress,  taking antibiotics or immunosuppressants may also affect your lash growth cycle. Iron deficiency, lack of nutrients may cause lash loss. Thyroid disease is known also known to cause poor retention.

As you can see there are numerous factors that may cause lash fall out. If you feel your eyelash extensions are falling out at a faster rate than normal please do not hesitate to contact us and we will work together to find out the cause. Always remember the cleaner you keep them the longer they last! 
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